A Story from Our Founder

I recently turned 50 and as many people do on significant birthdays, especially ones later in life, I began reflecting. I have had a storied life. I’m an immigrant to the United States. I came over from Australia with a suitcase and little money. My grandparents were displaced persons after WWII, so my journey seemed like a full circle moment. I am also gay. I was born in 1973, when the American Psychological Association removed homosexuality as a mental disorder. When laws changed again in 2012, I was able to marry my partner. Over these 50 years, rights for the LGBTQ+ community have changed from electric shock “treatment” (yes, I know an older lady who received this) to marriage laws that enable my partner to come into my hospital room and advocate on my behalf. I also have a niece who is transgender, and I worry about her growing up in a world like what I did in the 1980’s being gay. I want her to know, life gets better. I have always been interested in my family history from my displaced grandparents to my great uncle killed in WWI in the Battle of the Bulge. I had stories some written some on cassette tape (yes) from my grandparents and I wanted to preserve and share these with my broader family. For all these reasons and for many years I have wanted to start My Storied Life platform. To write, save and share memories with family and friends. I often wish I could talk to some of those who have passed. I also want others to hear my stories. This is my way of creating something that endures, for me, my family and friends and to you, for your family and friends.

Two friends smiling by a waterfall.
Group of friends gathered around a campfire.

Our Mission

At My Storied Life our mission is to rekindle traditional storytelling while leveraging modern technology. To enable you to create, preserve, and share your life memories. And to do so with confidence in a secure and private manner by sharing only with those you want to.  


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