Why Choose Us
Dynamic Storytelling™
How do people tell stories traditionally? Around a campfire. Over a lunch. At dinner. With family and friends. Using their voice. Seeing each other. It is a group activity where everyone is involved and we see others reactions and respond to them. An initial story may generate other stories, questions, or memories. It is dynamic, telling a story is an interactive and social process. It is a wonderful process. However, it is momentary. It is not preserved and often stories are lost, forgotten and missed or miss-remembered. As we get older, we crave to hear voices of people passed, lessons learned, and key moments in life. We want to hear of how those we loved overcame hardship, or the experiences that made them most happy. Traditional storytelling loses this.
What is Dynamic Storytelling™? Traditional storytelling but with technology so the stories are preserved and saved forever. This is a campfire or lunch with friends where a group of people get together to tell a story. The MSL platform preserves the story enabling those with access to respond, interact and view stories ultimately creating a Story Tree™.
Story Trees™
Story Tree™ are the web of connections from the Dynamic Storytelling™. Think about sitting around a table at Thanksgiving and Grandpa starts telling a story. Then, Grandma pipes in adding to the story. Then Mom/Dad add more context. Then a child says they remember something else. Which changes the story into another story. Each story is a tree, each contribution extends a branch in the tree, to create additional content. Branches from one tree may reach out to create another Story Tree™ until a forest of stories exist across a wider network of people.

My Great Uncle fought in World War I. He was shot at the Battle of the Somme and died. I have a letter from his Commander on his fight and letters from him back to his family. I want him to be honored and live on forever. Than you to all our Service Members who have paid the ultimate price on this Memorial Day.

I am a lesbian and have seen massive changes from being diagnosed as "mentally ill" in 1972 and receiving electric therapy to "fix" me to being married with all the legal rights of a straight couple. I want my storied to be known and shared.

I wanted to share my story and that of my mothers. As black women our lives are very different across our generation. I want my kids to hear about their grandmothers generation and mine. My Storied Life was easy. I don't have a lot of time and so I used the talk-to-text feature in my car. I added images and videos. I love this site.

My grandparents were displaced persons after WWII. I moved from my home country to become an immigrant in the United States. Searching (and finding) a better life. I want my kids to hear my story. I trust My Storied Life as I can enable access to only the stories I want others to see.